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We connect a washing machine without a plumbing do-it-yourself

No one will deny that good things are pretty easy and quick to get used to. Automation of the washing process freed up a lot of free time for people and allows you to make this process better. But there is one important thing, but you will not be able to use the machine in places with no centralized water supply. You may have a question, how to connect a washing machine without running water, and we will try to answer this in this article, because for sure many spend their precious vacation away from the bustle of the city.

Let's talk about the operation of a washing machine

how to connect a washing machine without running water

In modern devices, almost all operations are automated and controlled by the software built into it. All you need to do is load dirty laundry into the machine, add powder and conditioner, select the required program and press the "Start" button. After that, the unit itself will begin to collect the amount of water it needs, mixing powder into it and from the bunker in which it is located, heats the water and washes things without your direct participation.

The rinsing process is the same as the washing process. In addition, the conditioner is taken from the container, although you can do without it. Dirty water is discharged by the system, thanks to a special pump to the sewer.

Everything sounds good, but the companies involved in the production of these units did not think about the fact that not everywhere in the vastness of our vast vast homeland there is a connection to a centralized water supply. The problem is that during the start of the washing process, the controller sends a command to open the electromagnetic inlet valve, through which water enters the washing chamber under pressure. In the absence of water, many models of washing machines will give an error and simply will not wash.

The conclusion follows from this: a washing machine without a connection to the water supply simply will not perform its functions. Fortunately, this problem can be solved with the help of additional devices that can ensure the operability of the unit. There are several ways to connect a washing machine without water supply.


Mechanical models of washing machines, when connected without running water, work much better than models with more complex automated controls.

See also - Washing machine siphon - installation and connection

Consider connection options

How to connect?

As mentioned above, we will tell you about how to connect a washing machine to an automatic machine in the absence of running water.The choice of the connection method is yours, we will only list them.

  • The first method is the “manual” supply of water to the powder hoppers. This method in no way will harm your typewriter, but its use is not convenient enough. After completing each cycle, you will have to repeat the operation using a watering can or a hose, thereby obtaining a semi-automatic machine.
  • You can upgrade the above method and fully automate it by installing tanks on a hill. However, in order to create the necessary pressure, you will need to place the container at a height of about 10 meters.


You can do the following. Mount the tank a little higher than the washer, insert the valve into it, and direct the hose from it directly into the powder chamber. However, during washing, you will need to be nearby and periodically open or close the latch, depending on the filling of the washing machine.

  • If you have a pumping station, then all questions about how to connect a washing machine without running water will disappear instantly. Even a small, powerful unit is able to provide the necessary pressure for the washing machine. The only drawback that this system has is the price of the device, its market value starts at $ 90, not taking into account additional peripherals such as filters or fittings.

A pump station is an indispensable household item in a rural area, in the summer this unit provides high-quality watering of the garden, as well as supply water to the house.

Installing an intermediate pump

Installation of an intermediate pump

Before as connect the washing machine machine without running water, you will need to prepare a few things. The first will be a fluid container. The best solution, which is popular with all summer residents, is to install a two hundred liter barrel near the washing machine. Units with economical washing systems can cost a hundred liter barrel, but the supply of water will never be superfluous.

The second important thing that will be necessary for you is a small water pump. If you do not understand this type of technique, we recommend that you contact a specialized outlet for the sale of this equipment, they will be able to tell you which pump is better to buy, and help you choose a drain pump. It is recommended that you purchase a pump from the same brand as your machine.


It is worth noting that many experts recommend using conventional aquarium pumps. Their price is much lower than that of the above units, and you will need to direct the hose straight into the powder chamber.

In order not to overload the unit system, it is recommended to cut the ball valve exclusively on the base of the barrel. It is from him that the hose will go to the inlet of the washing machine.

You will need to connect the pump to the power supply, and you need to do this so that it is activated only when necessary. The solenoid valve operates from a conventional network - 220V and remains closed when not in operation. To open it, it is necessary to apply voltage directly to the coil. To turn this, you will need to dismantle the top cover of the washing machine along the way by connecting the pump to the inlet solenoid valve.

You can do this directly at the terminal of the valve itself. Or find where the cable is laid and connect the valve together with the pump on the terminal block, most often it is located at the bottom of the unit, this can be done using pliers.

After carrying out all the operations, you will receive an absolutely working washing machine, which does not require a connection to the water supply.


In this article, we looked at ways to connect a washing machine without running water and explained them to you. The most economical method will require you about $ 10, while the most expensive one will cost you about $ 7.After carrying out these operations, your machine will be able to ease your life more than once.

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