home How to choose Small household appliances TOP 10 best wet cleaning robots according to customer reviews

TOP 10 best wet cleaning robots according to customer reviews

On the year, robotic vacuum cleaners with a wet cleaning unit have become quite sought-after home goods, greatly facilitating the life of housewives. The main advantage of these devices is their autonomy: you can go for a walk or work, and the robot will do all the “dirty work”, including (but not limited to) cleaning wool and dust, washing floors, etc.

So that you can navigate, we have compiled TOP 10 of the most sought-after robots, which featured sophisticated models and budget options. The rating is based on Yandex data. Market and customer reviews.


iClebo Omega O5

iClebo Omega

iClebo Omega is a development by Yujin Robot. If we compare it with the two previous robots, then this model has a much larger power reserve, which, by the way, negatively affects the price tag.

In one charge, the robot is able to remove about 60 squares, after which it will return to the base to recharge itself. In the event that not all the territory has been cleaned, he will start from the place where he stopped last time.

The front of the robot has a rectangular appearance, which makes its appearance truly original, futuristic. Thanks to this solution, it becomes much easier to remove dirt from places inaccessible to an ordinary robot. Read more in the review iClebo Omega O5.


  • capacious battery - 4400 mAh;
  • outgoing noise level no more than 68 dB;
  • smart cleaning planner;
  • sensor for detecting furniture, obstacles;
  • cartographic system;
  • virtual walls;
  • several operating modes.


  • due to the high "playfulness", the robot often flies under the beds, cabinets and other furniture, and is not always able to get out on its own;
  • when you turn it on for the first time, it may be an incomplete map of the apartment, which leads to ignoring the plots, but with further use this issue is resolved on its own;
  • sometimes does not want to get up to the base;
  • no spare HEPA filter;

See also:

Okami U100 Laser

On the first line is an automatic vacuum cleaner from Okami Group - a well-known manufacturer of robots. The robot is round in shape with a diameter of 33 cm, a height of 9.8 cm, the surface is glossy, the pattern resembles digital camouflage. The volume of the dust bag is 600 ml, and the volume of the liquid tank is 360 ml.In this robot, a Japanese engine from Nidec is installed, creating a pressure of 2500 Pa, quietly coping with cleaning carpets with a small pile. The 3200 mAh high-capacity lithium battery provides uninterrupted operation time up to two hours. Okami U100 is equipped with a laser rangefinder (lidar), which measures the distance to surrounding objects and makes a map of the room. Remote control or smartphone control. In the latter, you can set the operation modes, schedule, see which zones are removed (on the map). It is also possible to set a schedule for the week with a choice of certain days. The U100 robot can adjust the level of water supply from the tank in three modes. Innovative wet cleaning - the vacuum cleaner travels back and forth, turning to the sides. The pattern of its movement repeats the letter Y. The noise level is less than 50 dB. Price: 36 990 rub. Read more in the review Okami U100.


  • Laser Navigation
  • Wet cleaning
  • Suction power
  • 3200 mAh high-capacity lithium battery
  • application
  • Speaks Russian


  • engine location in the dust container (must not be washed with water)
  • virtual wall in app only

Okami U100 is the flagship model of the brand, a strong statement about itself from the Okami Group company, which is already claiming a leading position in the market of household robotics. With impressive features, a vacuum cleaner is much cheaper than analogues. Given the complete localization and the presence of an official representative office in our country, we recommend that you take a closer look at this robot cleaner.

Xiaomi Mi Roborock Sweep One

Xiaomi Mi Roborock Sweep One

The vacuum cleaner is 35.3x35 cm in size and 9.65 cm high. Weight is 3.5 kg. The volume of the trash bin is 0.64 liters. Water tank 140 ml. Has an electric brush for cleaning carpets. Thirteen optical sensors help to move without obstacles. It scans with a laser, has a full view (360 °). Provides a program of auto, turbo and local cleaning. Thanks to the timer it is included in the scheduled time of the day. Able to map to build the optimal route. It is possible to calculate the time required to clean this room. He calls at the base himself. Equipped with a 5200 mAh Li-ion battery. It works 150 minutes. Notifies of a low battery and the inability to leave a difficult place. Power 58 watts. Works in the "Smart Home" and in the ecosystem of Xiaomi Mi Home. It is controlled from the application and the remote. Price . Read more in the review Xiaomi Mi Roborock Sweep One.


  • moderate height;
  • excellent filtration system;
  • creating a room map;
  • power adjustment depending on pollution;
  • long work;
  • convenient dust collector;
  • orientation in the room;
  • scheduled start;
  • high-quality wet wipe;
  • voice notifications with the ability to add them;
  • control from a smartphone;
  • remote start;
  • good functionality;
  • excellent quality garbage collection.


  • there are difficulties with the adaptation of the application;
  • may be confused in the curtains;
  • weak lidar rotation motor;
  • the liquid tank is too small;
  • difficult corners does not clear.

Genio Deluxe 500

Genio Deluxe 500

Vacuum cleaner with a diameter of 32 cm, a height of 7.5 cm. Weight 2.5 kg. Garbage container 0.6 l. Two-stage air filtration. 300 ml water tank with regulation of its supply. The robot is equipped with a rubber and tee brush. Infrared sensors. It has six modes of operation. When performing cleaning uses seven options for movement, including spiral, zigzag, along the baseboards. Turning on the device can be set by day. On the case is a screen with a clock. It has a limiter to prevent access to some part of the room. It is installed on the station itself. Equipped with 2600 mAh Li-Ion. Minimum cleaning time 90 minutes, maximum 250 minutes. Wet cleaning can last up to 250 minutes. It takes 240 minutes to charge the battery. With a decrease in its level and with problems with leaving a hard-to-reach place, it alerts with a signal. Power is 50 W. Suction power 22 watts. Noise 50 dB. It works in the Smart Home system. Control and settings are carried out by remote control or from a telephone. Price . Read more in the review Genio Deluxe 500. For those who do not need control from a mobile phone, there is a more budget model Deluxe 480, its cost .


  • good cross due to low size;
  • powerful battery;
  • convenient removable trash can;
  • virtual wall;
  • a sufficient number of modes of movement around the room;
  • low noise level;
  • auto power on at a set time;
  • remote start;
  • replaceable brushes in a complete set;
  • perfectly collects dry garbage, works well as a floor polisher;
  • brushless motor;
  • application availability.


  • chaotic trajectory of movement;
  • wet wiping can not be done in conjunction with dry cleaning;
  • work as a polisher is not entirely thought out.

Xiaomi Viomi Vacuum V2


An innovative model from Xiaomi, its navigation is based on the LDS laser, this is the first test of the company in the release of robots with such a complete set. All created maps are stored in memory until the next launch, while several map options can be saved, for this reason the model is considered optimal for houses with several floors or a large number of rooms. A cleansing smart vacuum cleaner that uses 10 sensors to identify obstacles and the type of coating, adapting the suction power to it. The suction power is 2150 Pa, the garbage container is 600 ml, and the water tank is 560 ml, the liquid is dosed. Read more in the review Xiaomi Viomi Vacuum V2.


  • Very high suction power.
  • Wet cleaning.
  • Large capacity water tank.
  • Saving cleaning cards in several ways.
  • After the end of the charge, it continues cleaning from the same point where it stopped.
  • The amount of water supplied to the napkin can be adjusted through the application.
  • The HEPA filter can be washed under running water.
  • Local cleaning.
  • The ability to set movement limits through the application.
  • 10 sensors, LDS laser for navigation.
  • Good price regarding the features offered.

There is only one drawback - a rather large case height, many competitors show a lower indicator.

Ecovacs DeeBot OZMO 930

Ecovacs DeeBot OZMO 930

The device has a diameter of 35.4 cm and a height of 10.2 cm. Weight 4.6 kg. Litter compartment 0.47 L Has an electric brush. Infrared sensors. It is possible to set a cleaning schedule by day. Builds a map. He comes to the base himself. A 3200 mAh Li-Ion battery provides functionality for 110 minutes. Charging takes 240 minutes. Noise 65 dB. The ecosystem of Google Home, Amazon Alexa. It is controlled by smartphone. Price . Read more in the review Ecovacs DeeBot OZMO 930.


  • laser navigation;
  • Russified application, convenient settings;
  • clear management;
  • not confused in the curtains;
  • well thresholds;
  • the compiled map is saved even when turned off;
  • when wiping with a damp cloth, water does not drip onto the floor, no stains remain;
  • high-quality cleansing;
  • quiet work.


  • a high laser scanner on the top panel does not allow passage under furniture;
  • overpriced.

Okami t80

Okami t80

The robot is distinguished by the functions of a cartographer and a specially developed application for iOS and Android for convenient control of the device. Thanks to the cartographer, the device independently plans phased cleaning of the site; and if the arrangement of objects has been changed since the last cleaning, the robot will draw up a new scheme. The application allows you to configure and start the vacuum cleaner, being, for example, at work. It will be convenient for those who forget to turn on the device before leaving the house.

The robot is able to identify areas that are already clean thanks to the acceleration sensor and gyroscope, which reduces cleaning time and saves battery power. Another important plus: there is no need to clean the brush, simply because it is not here (but there is a rubber one). By default, the Okami T80 moves in a zigzag fashion, but if necessary it can “attach” along the wall. Read more in the review Okami t80.

More advantages:

  • cleans well, cleans even better in dry mode;
  • 2000 mAh battery;
  • "Friends" with furniture, animals;
  • almost silent - 50 dB;
  • double-beam virtual wall;
  • a special nozzle for cleaning wool;
  • cleaning by the days of the week;
  • 1 liter dust collector;
  • about 30 voice notifications about the current state of the robot.


  • in the mopping mode, it can become stuck if there is a slight elevation;
  • You can not turn off the sound of alerts, so its use is impractical at night.

Kitfort KT-516

Kitfort KT-516

The robot is able to carry out dry and wet cleaning completely autonomously. It is equipped with a turbo brush, so the device can be used both for cleaning carpets and for working with smooth surfaces (for washing floors, you must attach a washing module). A convenient touch panel is used to start and control.

The robot sets the suction power independently, based on the type of surface, which saves battery power. There are 5 main modes of operation: auto, standard, along walls, chaotic and zigzag. For orientation in the room, IR sensors are used, thanks to which the robot successfully avoids collision with objects on the floor. A 2000 mAh battery lasts approximately 90 minutes of continuous use. Read more in the review Kitfort KT-516.


  • easy to use, sufficient power, rich equipment, body made of durable plastic;
  • wet cleaning module;
  • virtual wall;
  • spare brushes;
  • fast charge (about 2-3 hours after cleaning a 1-room apartment);
  • good cross (copes with 2 centimeter thresholds);
  • feels good environment, does not hit objects, furniture;
  • autostart on time;


  • no replaceable HEPA filter;
  • seems to some noisy.

If you closely test the robot, you can probably find minor flaws, but they are completely covered by the price tag of ~ 14 000 ₽. A good budget option for those who do not want to overpay.

Gutrend smart 300

Gutrend smart 300

The robot has a classic appearance and is not much different from most similar devices. Of the features it is worth highlighting Optimal Route technology, thanks to which the robot creates cleaning routes, and avoids clean areas. The robot is quite fast and can accelerate to 22 cm / sec, so it often collides with objects in the room. He doesn’t get any damage, but not everyone likes grunting.

The noise level does not exceed 50 dB, which is the best indicator. But it’s not recommended to remove the robot at night, since it emits rather loud notification sounds at the beginning and end of the process. A 2600 mAh battery lasts about 230 minutes, and during this time our hero is able to overcome about 250 square meters. m. Read in detail in the review GUTREND SMART 300.


  • sound design, nice looking design;
  • there are all the necessary sensors;
  • a pair of operating modes;
  • low noise level;
  • good indicator of autonomy;
  • volumetric dust collector.


  • long battery charging time - about 300 minutes (so it’s better to put it overnight);
  • loudly collides with obstacles, but does not get damaged due to the durable bumper;
  • models made in white get dirty very quickly.




The robot vacuum cleaner with a diameter of 33 cm and a height of 7.9 cm has a dust collector of 0.6 l. It has side brushes, a soft bumper and the ability to install an electric brush for cleaning the carpet. Water container 120 ml. Equipped with ultrasonic sensors. There are several modes of operation, including local. Allows you to limit the mode of operation. It is controlled from the remote. On the case there is an informative display, a timer and a programmer by day. Equipped with an ultraviolet lamp. It becomes automatically to the base. It works for 120 minutes at full charge. Price: . Read more in the review LINNBERG Linnberg.


  • compact;
  • convenient and intuitive controls;
  • moves according to a certain algorithm, builds a map well;
  • side brushes sweep dust well;
  • washes the floors fairly well;
  • does not get stuck under the sofa;
  • It works for a long time without recharging;
  • equipped with an additional HEPA filter;
  • disinfection with a UV lamp (in the reviews note that this is very true if there are pets).


  • in the wet cleaning mode, maneuvers worse due to a wet rag, cannot move backward;
  • in the fringe of the carpet may get stuck;
  • some buyers note that it is impossible to leave him unattended, he can get stuck, sometimes he passes through one place several times, and in another - not once;
  • brushes are quickly contaminated with wool, they must be constantly cleaned.

See also:

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2 thoughts on “TOP 10 best wet cleaning robots according to customer reviews”

  1. Tatyana:

    I want to say about iClebo Omega. On one charge, he removes not 60, but 75 square meters. m. We don’t get stuck anywhere, and if there is such a possibility, we must either lift the furniture on the legs, laying the lining, or close access to it. We always get to the base. And there was a spare filter in the kit. Real minus - does not like wires. May chew and stop. Otherwise, I see no shortcomings. Very pleased with them. We have been with him for a year and a half. It works without problems, it is very clean. Maintains a clean home.

  2. Anna:

    Wet cleaning is best done with gadgets specially designed for this. We have a robot polisher Everybot RS700 mopping even better than me. He rubs them with effort, wipes even stubborn stains. But leaving him alone is better not necessary. After he finishes washing, you need to remove napkins from him, rinse and dry. And then it’s not good if he will stand wet.

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