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Features of adjusting the thermostat in various models of refrigerators

The correct operation of the thermostat of the refrigeration unit is a guarantee of the freshness and safety of your products and the usefulness of the prepared dishes. Currently, a refrigerator is a necessary item of household appliances in every home. At the same time, its main function is to ensure the safety and freshness of various products. It is for this reason that the correct operation of the thermostat is so important.

It is worth noting that for the storage of different types of food, an acceptable certain temperature. Most often, this information is indicated on the packaging of the food product. At the same time, the thermostat adjustment in this technique should be performed according to the instructions that are attached to each model of the refrigerator.

Thermostat device

The main function of the thermostat is to control the motor-compressor in the mechanical system of the unit.

The installation of a temperature controller in most models is carried out either on the front panel of the equipment or in the refrigerator chamber itself. In this case, the adjustment of this part of the technology is made differently depending on the model of the device.

What does a refrigerator thermostat look like

Electronic control

Many modern refrigerators are equipped with an electronic temperature control method. To do this, the control panel is placed on the refrigerator door. You can set the required temperature by pressing the buttons.

In such devices, instead of a thermostat, thermistors are used. In the refrigerator and freezer, sensors are located on the evaporators. The readings of the sensors are displayed on an electronic board, where, after processing the information, they are used to turn the compressor on and off.

Electronic control


Adjustment in different models of refrigerators

It is worth noting that in modern models, unlike products manufactured in the Soviet era, it is possible to adjust the refrigerator and freezer separately. Consider the behavior of such an operation in the most popular brands of such household appliances.

  • Gorenje. Temperature control in such units is carried out by turning the special thermostat knob to the position between the indicators: maximum and minimum. The best option is to install the thermostat in the Eco position.
  • However, here you need to take into account the temperature of the room where the refrigerator is installed. So for example, if this indicator is -16, then in this case turn the thermostat knob to the "Maximum" indicator. Accordingly, at high temperatures, the temperature control knob must be turned in the opposite direction.
  • Liebher.Here, the thermostat is controlled electronically. The main advantage of this manufacturer's refrigerator is the CoolPlus system. When turned on, the temperature inside the refrigerator and freezer does not depend on the temperature regime in the room where the unit is installed.
  • Atlant. We can say that this is one of the most popular brands of refrigerator. The thermostat is adjusted using a special knob. In this case, regulation is carried out on a seven-point scale.

See also - Can the refrigerator be transported lying on its side?

Order a service or do it yourself?

Today you can order such a service as thermostat regulation in any model of refrigerators. At the same time, the cost of this service is quite acceptable. Plus, most services provide a guarantee for a certain period of work.

How do you know if your refrigerator thermostat is not working correctly? Most often, this can be determined by the following factors: an unpleasant odor comes from the refrigerating chamber, the food is frozen too much due to which their taste deteriorates, the growth of a fur coat on the inner walls of the freezer or opposite the refrigerator does not freeze well.


When ordering a service or when performing work yourself, you should carefully study the instructions for the refrigeration unit. Most often, the reason lies in non-compliance with the rules of technical operation of the device.

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One thought on “Features of the thermostat regulation in different models of refrigerators”

  1. Quote: "... in modern models, in contrast to products produced in Soviet times, it is possible to adjust the refrigerating and freezing chambers separately." I have secular refrigerator “Stinol-103” two-compressor since 1994 without any breakdowns with SEPARATE thermostats.

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