home Reviews Review of the robot vacuum cleaner Samsung NaviBot-S SR8980

Review of the robot vacuum cleaner Samsung NaviBot-S SR8980

All companies manufacturing robotic vacuum cleaners are constantly improving their products in order to keep up with modern consumer demands. Samsung did the same, releasing a NaviBot-S SR8980 vacuum cleaner equipped with a unique charging station, which houses a large-sized garbage collection compartment where the robot empties its dust collector. In the review, we consider the capabilities of an automated cleaner, its equipment and functionality.



Samsung NaviBot-S SR8980

The device has a traditional disk shape with a diameter of 35 cm, a height of 8 cm and a weight of 3.2 kg. The case is made of black plastic. The upper surface is transparent, in the middle are the touch control panel and indicators. A camera is built above them, which inspects the room before starting work, and from the opposite side you can see the button for opening the dust compartment installed in the rear of the device.

The side panel at the front is equipped with a rubberized bumper to cushion furniture hits. Here are sensors that pick up obstacles on the way and changes in floor height. On the bottom there are:

  • two leading side wheels and a small one in front, responsible for turns;
  • two side brushes;
  • central brush;
  • battery compartment with cover;
  • contacts for installation on charging.


Samsung NaviBot-S SR8980

Technical parameters of the robot:

  • dust compartment: 0.3 l;
  • waste bin capacity at the station: 2 l;
  • overcomes height: up to 1.5 cm;
  • operating modes: 4;
  • management: remote control and buttons on the case;
  • movement speed: 0.32 m / s .;
  • power: 60 W;
  • virtual wall;
  • noise: 60 dB.

It receives power from a 1700 mAh Li-Ion battery. It works on a single charge for up to 90 minutes, and it takes 180 minutes to charge.


Samsung NaviBot-S SR8980

Vacuum cleaner Samsung NaviBot-S SR8980 is designed to collect dry waste from floor coverings. Using the side and main brushes, the dust is directed to the suction port, from where it enters the dust collector. Screening of dust occurs with the HEPA filter. The robot works in 4 modes:

  1. Auto. The vacuum cleaner randomly moves, cleaning up the entire available area until the battery is completely discharged.
  2. Local. Cleaning a single highly contaminated area.
  3. Manual. The movement of the device is set by the user with the remote control.
  4. Turbo. The robot increases the absorption power, and the central brush begins to rotate at a high speed.

You can control the device with a remote control or touch buttons on the panel of the case. The indicators show the operating mode and battery level.

The camera and 12 sensors with its well-coordinated work help the robot evaluate the features of the room, draw up a map of sequential cleaning, put it in memory and choose the appropriate path of movement. The device is also equipped with a sensor that allows you to determine the degree of contamination of the floor in order to clean individual areas more thoroughly.

Allows you to choose the cleaning time for a particular day. To limit the areas hazardous to the vacuum cleaner, two virtual walls are used.Having finished work, the robot goes to the base and throws the collected garbage into its dust compartment. The device is charged automatically.


Samsung NaviBot-S SR8980

The delivery set is represented by the following items:

  • robot;
  • station;
  • remote control and two batteries;
  • two brushes for installation on the sides;
  • spare HEPA filter;
  • two virtual walls;
  • brush for cleaning;
  • user's manual.


Advantages and disadvantages

Samsung NaviBot-S SR8980


  • good equipment;
  • compact size allowing cleaning in narrow and low places;
  • docking station with a garbage container;
  • independent emptying of the garbage compartment after each cleaning;
  • scheduling cleaning;
  • thoughtful navigation;
  • recognition of dirty areas for more thorough cleaning.


  • bulk base for charging;
  • sometimes the robot moves it;
  • does not always clean the surface near obstacles.

The disadvantages of the Samsung NaviBot-S SR8980 are few, and the equipment and functionality are extensive. Its price in 2018 was ... FROM year, the model was taken out of production, but it is still on remnants in some online stores.

See also: robotic vacuum cleaners before

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