home Reviews Review of the robot vacuum cleaner Xiaomi Xiaowa E202-00 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Lite

Review of the robot vacuum cleaner Xiaomi Xiaowa E202-00 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Lite

The Xiaowa E202-00 Robot Vacuum Cleaner is the third generation of machinery from a renowned Chinese manufacturer. The model was released in 2018. Like all models of the company, the brand style of Xiaomi has been preserved. By reducing the number of functions, simplifying design and packaging, the price has been reduced to Appliances are available for families with an average budget.

Tests have shown that the model is able to clean floor coverings, including carpets, equally quickly and cleanly by increasing the suction power on its own, depending on the type of material. The only condition is that the fleecy surface should be smooth, without hard high threads.



Xiaomi Xiaowa E202-00 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Lite

  • Dimensions 35x35.3x9 cm.
  • Weight 3 kg.
  • Dimensions of the charging base 13x15.1x9.8 cm.
  • 2600 mAh lithium battery.
  • Battery life up to 1.5 hours. With an increase in the suction power, the time is 60-75 minutes.
  • Power consumption 54 watts.
  • Dust collector with cyclone filter with a capacity of 0.64 liters.
  • Traction power 1600 Pa.
  • The permissible maximum cleaning area is 80 sq. m.
  • Full recharge - 120 minutes.


Xiaomi Xiaowa E202-00 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Lite

The shape of the cleaning robot resembles a perfectly round washer. The top of the case is white, the material is plastic. On the lateral circumference, the plastic is light gray in practical color. The design is designed to unify the model for any interior.

The control panel with three buttons is located on the top of the case. Closer to the perimeter, a waste collection container lid is placed.

On the side part there is a bumper-protection and sensors-recognizers of various obstacles - furniture, surfaces, floors. There are also ventilation slots on the side.

Xiaomi Xiaowa E202-00 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Lite

In the lower part there are drive wheels - 2 pieces and a front wheel of a smaller diameter for maneuvers when turning. Cover over the battery compartment. Pads for recharging from the network or dock station. Built-in sensor against falling from height. One side and central turbo brush. The collected debris is brushed to the suction port. The volume of the bin is designed for several cleaning cycles; it is not necessary to empty the bin each time. Small dimensions of the charging base. It is located in a corner or a narrow recess, a niche.


Xiaomi Xiaowa E202-00 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Lite

The robot polisher is designed for dry and wet cleaning. It removes dirt and dust from flat surfaces.

Since a height sensor is built into the technique, you don't have to worry that there will be collisions with furniture or other objects on the floor, the possibility of falling off the steps is excluded. Cleaning is done in a circular motion.

In the instructions for the cleaner there is a QR code for downloading the application on a smartphone. There is no need to control from the remote control. The program will allow you to program the start of the start, the operating time. You can determine the connection by the indicator on the panel. Blue - Wi-Fi reception signal, blinking light - reception failure signal.

Xiaomi Xiaowa E202-00 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Lite

Manual control of the gadget is performed by buttons on the panel, three modes are launched:

  1. Local - cleaning within a radius of 1 meter.
  2. Turn on / off the technique.
  3. Return to the charging base.

Local settings for 1 and 3 points can be reset within 5 seconds. The gadget can be operated at night by adjusting the parameters in advance.

A timer is integrated in the robotic vacuum cleaner by the days of the week. A handy feature for setting the schedule in automatic start. One of the main advantages of a robot cleaner is in remote control, monitoring the state of the gadget and consumables from one device - a smartphone.

When the charge level falls below 20%, the device stops functioning and returns to the charging base. Having recharged the battery, the cleaner starts a new cycle of work from the place where he stopped.

Setting from the smartphone application will allow you to use several modes:

  1. Intensive Together with power, the noise level increases. Used for dirty floors and surfaces.
  2. Strong.
  3. Standard.
  4. Quiet.

For wet cleaning use a microfiber cloth. Pre-moistened. The polisher does not wash away dirt and stains, but collects dust, refreshes the coating. The napkin is mounted on a special nozzle.


Xiaomi Xiaowa E202-00 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Lite

The budget price of the equipment is reflected in the configuration, the manufacturer has provided the most necessary for work:

  • Robotic vacuum cleaner.
  • Charging dock.
  • Stand for the device.
  • For wet cleaning special nozzle.
  • Two microfiber wipes.
  • To clean the body and parts - a brush.
  • Filter.
  • Instruction.
  • Warranty coupon.


Advantages and disadvantages

Xiaomi Xiaowa E202-00 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Lite


  • Facilitates routine work to restore order. General cleaning will not do, but will maintain cleanliness.
  • For the budget model, a very high degree of autonomy, minimized human participation.
  • Aesthetic design.
  • High-quality assembly of the gadget.
  • Powerful battery.
  • The degree of absorption is adjustable.
  • Performs a wet wipe of floor surfaces.
  • The garbage container is spacious, designed for 2 cycles.
  • The turbo brush removes hair, wool. Ideal for families with pets.
  • Ability to create a weekly cleaning schedule.
  • Smartphone control.
  • Compared to similar devices with a wet cleaning function, it costs 25-30% cheaper.


  • The side brush is one. What affects the quality of cleaning and the degree of cleaning the floor from debris. Motes and dust may remain.
  • No laser sensor integrated. You cannot build a room map. We have to follow the trajectory of technology.
  • Noise level 75 dB or more. Noisy technology, use at night is possible only in a private house.
  • Instructions included in the manufacturer's language - in Chinese. You have to download a Google translation or search on the Internet.
  • “Hangs” on small rugs.
  • Small dimensions of the charging base. Unstable position, the possibility of tipping over.
  • In order for the cleaner to cope with the delivered volume, it is necessary to remove all obstacles from its path in advance.

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