home How to choose Audio equipment TOP 6 best smart speakers according to customer reviews

TOP 6 best smart speakers by customer reviews

The choice of smart media systems depends on the operating system of the connected gadget. A significant role is played by the “price - quality” ratio, the functionality of the portable device and its size. I have prepared a rating of the best smart speakers of the year, created according to customer estimates. In the top are models from Apple, LG, Xiaomi and other companies. Each gadget offers a quick overview.

Google Home Mini

Google home mini

This is a compact portable speaker of a well-known manufacturer. Weight - 200 g, which expands the area of ​​use of acoustics. For comparison: Xiaomi's weight is 2.5 kg. There is no built-in battery, but the presence of a standard USB connector helps to power the gadget from the mains and Power Bank. Built-in voice assistant enhances the audio system, simplifying management. The Russified version is tested in beta mode, so the assistant "speaks" in English. Thanks to the data of the Google service, a smart gadget recognizes speech well even with a pronounced accent. Built-in Bluetooth, Wi-Fi. Implemented the ability to broadcast video and audio files via Chromecast. Among the additional functionality - omnidirectional sound, broadcast on speakerphone, network audio streaming. You can control portable speakers from your smartphone or using the Google Assistant. Price - .


  • compact size;
  • good functionality;
  • speech recognition function;
  • standard usb connector;
  • low price.


  • assistant in English only;
  • not the best microphones;
  • the quality of acoustics is average.

Low price, compactness make the smart device Google Home Mini popular for home use along with Amazon products. The low quality of acoustics will prevent the full reproduction of music. If sound quality remains a priority, you can advise Yandex. The station is a smart speaker with Alice. True, its price is much higher.

Elari SmartBeat

Elari SmartBeat

Universal media system with a range of reproducible frequencies from 40 Hz to 18 kHz. For comparison: in Xiaomi Mi AI Speaker, the lower limit remains at 60 Hz. Compact size and weight 400 g allow you to integrate the device into the Smart Home system or take it with you on a trip. There is bluetooth, Wi-Fi. Sound quality of 5 watts will appeal to all music lovers. The column supports streaming audio services. Built-in voice assistant Alice will simplify management. Powered by mains and battery. In stand-alone mode, the acoustics "sound" for 8 hours. Price - 5 thousand rubles.


  • Alice’s built-in voice assistant
  • upon purchase, a 3-month subscription to Yandex is offered. A plus;
  • work from the accumulator and from a network;
  • 4 microphones.


  • charges very slowly;
  • battery capacity does not match declared;
  • Speech recognition function is underdeveloped.

Considering the quality of reproduced sound at the level of 5 W and the possibility of battery life, the Elari SmartBeat is a popular speaker among buyers. If you need acoustics with advanced functionality, the LG Xboom AI ThinQ WK-7Y model is of interest. Improved features are reflected in the price.

Xiaomi Mi AI Speaker

Xiaomi Mi AI Speaker

Portable speaker system with a range of reproduced frequencies from 60 Hz to 18 kHz. The design includes 2 tweeters responsible for sound quality. Total power - 5 watts. For comparison: the Google Home Mini column does not have such capabilities. Xiaomi Smart Assistant's built-in voice assistant helps you manage your device. Acoustics is integrated into the Smart Home system. Works from a network. Model with bluetooth 4.1 adapter, module for connecting to wireless internet. 6 built-in microphones provide full broadband audio streaming. Accessible through the Mi AI App. Price - .


  • 6 built-in microphones;
  • sound power - 5 W;
  • wide functionality;
  • sound volume.


  • Chinese firmware: the device does not recognize English and Russian;
  • Wi-Fi does not always work correctly.

The Xiaomi smart speaker deserves attention due to the quality of the reproduced sound. But the difficulties with voice control (the built-in assistant "communicates" only in Chinese) is inconvenient. As an alternative, Elari SmartBeat can be offered at almost the same price. Assistant Alice understands Russian speech.

LG Xboom AI ThinQ WK7Y

LG Xboom AI ThinQ WK7Y

Smart media system with an output power of 30 watts. For comparison: the same indicator Xiaomi Mi AI Speaker remains at 5 watts. The column, given the design and variety of built-in functionality, is available in impressive sizes for such a technique. Built-in tweeters and mid-range speakers deliver flawless sound. Voice assistant Alice will help with the management of the column and answer questions. The speaker system can be integrated into the Smart Home. It supports streaming audio services with enhanced bass and voice. Model with bluetooth, Wi-Fi. Among the additional functionality stands out the ability to adjust the speaker volume, reset, Hotword Key. Price - .


  • indicator light;
  • 3 months subscription to Yandex. Plus as a gift;
  • high sound quality;
  • good level of speech recognition.


  • user advice: buy a subscription to Yandex. Plus, at the end of the grace period;
  • customer review: without configuration, Alice can talk on her own;
  • 2 microphones: at high volume, turning to the assistant, you have to raise your voice.

Smart speaker LG Xboom AI ThinQ WK-7Y thanks to the speakers of different frequencies produces good sound quality. You need to get used to the features of Alice’s work. If you are confused by the high price of acoustics, you can recommend the Google Home Mini. The quality of the sound will be lower, but portability and affordable price offset the disadvantages.

Yandex.Station - smart column with Alice

The search engine gadget impresses with a total sound power output of 50 watts. For comparison: Elari SmartBeat produces 6 times less. Deep integration with Yandex services with support for streaming audio services will be appreciated by enthusiastic music lovers. The design includes low-frequency, high-frequency speakers and passive emitters. The smart gadget supports playback of streaming video services with a resolution of 1080 p. Alice’s built-in assistant helps in managing the speaker and the “Smart Home” (the device can be made part of a high-tech system). Media system - with a bluetooth adapter 4.1, a module for wireless Internet connection. Price - 11 thousand rubles.


  • Alice understands Russian;
  • integration with popular Yandex services;
  • good sound;
  • 7 sensitive microphones.


  • high price;
  • raw software;
  • HDMI audio is not reproduced (the function is stated in the instructions);
  • works well only with domestic video hosting;
  • Integration into the Smart Home system requires refinement.

Yandex media system.The station - a smart speaker with Alice, widely publicized before its release, did not fully meet the expectations of users. The sound quality remains at the level, but many of the declared functions require improvement or do not work at all. A worthy alternative to acoustics from Yandex is the LG Xboom AI ThinQ WK-7Y. The total power of reproduced sound is lower here, but well-functioning functionality attracts buyers.

Apple HomePod

Apple HomePod

Apple's first attempt at producing such devices. Speaker system - with bluetooth adapter 5.0. For comparison: in Yandex. Stations in the smart column with Alice built version 4.1. The device is powered from the network. The design implements low-frequency (1 pc.) And high-frequency (7 pcs.) Speakers. The quality of the sound output remains at a decent level. The built-in Apple A8 processor reflects on the features of the speaker system. It is possible to play broadband network audio. The device will hear an appeal to him even from the next room. The secret is 6 highly sensitive microphones. Built-in voice assistant Apple Siri will turn on the music, talk about traffic jams and weather, answer questions. You can control the speaker using the touch panel with light indication. The 2.5 kg column weighs, but its dimensions remain small. Built-in Wi-Fi is characterized by stable signal reception. Price - .


  • voice and touch control;
  • Siri clearly responds when handling;
  • the ability to create stereo pairs;
  • high sound quality.


  • high price;
  • head assistant does not "understand" the Russian language;
  • it is impossible to change the melody of the alarm;
  • difficulty in managing.

The Apple HomePod media system is designed for advanced users. And here it’s not even a difficulty in contacting the voice assistant, namely a full-fledged setup of its work. You can use Apple’s smart device as a speaker in your home or office. I recommend considering cheaper models, for example, Elari SmartBeat.

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